On the last day of our festival, participants from Grajewo and Ełk had the opportunity to prove themselves in the most creative form of visiting the city – taking part in the artistic city game “Adventure at Księży Młyn”. Apart from exploring the typical post-industrial space of Łódź, known as “Polish Manchester”, teams were divided into a few groups and performed tasks related to folk and the tenth anniversary of the festival.

Participants designed the cover for the artistic jubilee book of the festival and presented their ideas for a new festival logo based on the alphabet of the famous artist associated with Łódź – Władysław Strzemiński. They also “met” other famous figures from the history of the city, such as Julian Tuwim, Katarzyna Kobro, or the Scheibler family. They created a folk sculpture from their bodies and even calculated the length of the largest spinning mill in the city. Following the example of internet challenges and based on the famous “Lokomotywa” by Tuwim, our young artists wrote their own poem in the surroundings of the former Scheibler railway siding on Koci Szlak.

In the group competition PATYKI and ELITE (from Grajewo) fought with HARI POTA and SZMURLACZKI (from Ełk)… In the end, SZMURLACZKI (81 points) won over ELITE (76 points) and HARI POTA (75 points). CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Thanks for your great commitment!